'Git and Github - II : Tutorial for Beginner
Get started with Git and Github Install Git For Windows, Download git from here and install it on your device Browse to the official Git website here. Click the download link and allow the download to complete. Extract and Launch Git Installer. Leave the default, unless you have reason to change it until then, click Next. Once the installation is complete, Launch Git Bash, then click Finish. For Linus, Use code $ sudo dnf install git-all Initialize with credentials Make sure your git is installed properly. To do that check version git --version #To check version of git installed Provide Credentials (name and email) to git git config --global user.name "Your_username" git config --global user.email “Your_email” git config --global — list # To check the info you provided. Start with Github Signup on github Create a repository Add repository name, description Choose public or private Tick to add readme, license and git ignore Click on create repository Work on Gith...